Thank you for contacting us! This issue, called "clamping," usually occurs aro
und the last fifty points of Division 1.
When you enter a ranked game, you are matched with teammates and opponents bas
t your matchmaking rating is about equal to other players in your League. If f
or some reason your matchmaking rating is below what is expected in your Leagu
e, you will see League Point gains come much more slowly as you approach your
Division 1 Series. If your matchmaking rating is especially low, it is possibl
e to earn zero League Points for a
victory as well as lose more League Points from a loss than is gained from a w
Because League placement is now permanent, we have designed the system to ensu
re that a player’s matchmaking rating is high enough to make certain that you
can consistently play at the level of the next tier. As long as you continue
to win more than you lose, your League Point gain will even out and you’ll re
ach the Promotion Series.
I hope this has provided a little context on our intention with the new League
system. We are currently examining the results of this system to explore pote
ntial improvements, so this may change in the future. If you have any more que
stions about the new League system, please don't hesitate to ask.