This is my last post I will ever make on the internet. I just want to say
thank you for supporting me the past year/months (depending on how long
you've been a fan)
Sadly, life has disgusted me to the point that everyday, randomly in the day,
but ALWAYS at night, I would start to think to myself... I would start
sweating and tearing, and I would hardly be able to breathe... Because I
think on how the world is, how unfair it is, how idiotic people are, how
selfless they are, lying as they talk, knowingly too, just to make themselves
look better...
I have not once lied to anyone about anything that would effect them badly,
or completely fuck them over. I have "lied" about things, but more so as a
joke, that doesn't actually effect you, or give me any gain. Even then, I
rarely did it, and we always just laughed about it afterwards anyway.
The past 1-2 weeks has been a hell to me. The thought that keeps coming into
my head is what I should be doing, which is streaming. What I should be doing
in the future, which is playing in the LCS to see if whatever team I am with
would make it big. Even if we didn't, I guarantee that I would make a play
that would make the chat and shout casters chant my name.
Instead, I feel like I am watching a mirror of myself, this, meteos person.
Even though I never watched the LCS, I always see posts about him. I see fan
art of him and his Zac, how he's the best, how he's like me, how he has the
most farm. This is what has been getting me the most, the fact that is what I
SHOULD BE DOING IN THE FUTURE, but instead, all chance of that is hindered.
He is pretty much exactly like me (but not as good as me, hehe) my style of
jungling, that has always been said to "not work in tournies" and been
frowned upon, when it works fine. It is just simple maths you do in your
head, that is all league is. If I do X, how much of a advantage is it for me
and my team? What can I do with this if I get this, ect. Not hard at all.
I've always been a positive person all my life, always saying everything will
be alright, but with this, no. Nothing is right with this. I have been
ignored by riot ever sense I have been banned, when no one knew for 2 weeks,
to now. I honestly shouldn't be banned, at least from the game. I can care
less about my accounts, but I can't even do something I enjoy and I find
relaxing to do because of how emotional I am (ability to do the job w/e, and
have fun with it).
The thread might get deleted though, so... and I don't have time to make
something to save it.
It just makes me so sad how corrupt companies are with their games, how they
give special treatment depending on who you know or your status. The player
"Gem", never got punished, despite being elo boosted by multiple players,
such as myself, even when I turned myself in along with her, she never got
punished. She even got a Baron icon for "being a good summoner".
Her lolking (with her name now being "Pikachu" because of rioter friends most
likely gave her the name from a inactive account before another name sweep,
special treatment much):
: I took a picture at around 12:50 - 1:00
pm eastern, and she said 8 hours ago she was going to bed. On her account,
there was a game played where apparently she went "16-1-3" on Ezreal in 38
minutes, ALONG with 345 cs. This is a retarded score, as in it's too good for
a plat 1 player (At the time) to have. I believe that match won her diamond
5, so...
2. If you look at played champions on ranked Season 3, you will notice they
have good kill/death ratios (jayce, ezreal come to mind) and whenever she
plays a normal with a champion like ezreal, or any ADC in general, she will
have shit cs, and a shit kill/death. This is obvious boosting.
Also, do notice that Fexir mains ADC, and also is 7-2 with Jayce on his main.
Obvious he is the booster, one of them atleast. As far as I have been
informed, she has been boosted by multiple people, even going in chat rooms
"such as 3v3" asking to join a team that would get diamond, just to get a
diamond badge. (even though joining a team isn't boosting as long as no money
is involved, it shows you how much she craves something she doesn't deserve
for attention).
: This is really just extra, this is just
me boosting her account from 1200-2200 elo season 2. No one played Hecarim
like me, no one even played him. You can also notice that the champions that
are played in season 2, such as Hecarim, skarner, with good win/loss ratios,
are never played again. That was me, but more proof that she deserves to be
Also, here's a picture of my LoL replay with only a FEW of the games I played
on her account to get her :
Riot made me out to be a monster, because I honestly think they see me as a
threat because I know too much, and just purposely waited for me to do enough
things to issue a perm ban from the game. Do you realize how serious of a
punishment a perm ban from the game is? It's not a perm banned account, it's
a entire game.
Riot doesn't ban elo boosters/boosted people too, as far as I know. I have
talked to some major elo boosting sites, and they said that despite elo
boosting over 3000+ accounts for the past year, they haven't gotten a
complaint of a account being perm banned. It's honestly like how I have been
reading with real evidence that a game such as runescape, actually has sites
owned by Jagex themselves, that sell gold out to people. They give you the
gold, then you get banned a few years later for real world trading. They do
this because it is profits for them.
Riot doesn't ban elo boosted/boosters because the elo boosted person most
likely even is paying for elo boosting because he has a ego, and just wants
attention. Say a person goes from bronze to diamond, he most likely will buy
skins to "show off" due to the mindset this community has. This means more
money for riot, and in mass, adds up to a high amount.
Also on their support site do notice they got rid of the "Report a player"
option a few months back, because they don't actually care about boosted or
booster players.
This might seem like a rant, but because this is my final post ever, I want
to clear up everything possible, to show how unjust the world is. All that
has happened in the past 2 months is bloodshed, not justice. I haven't seen
any justice in a LOOONG time... I expected everything to be fine when I 1st
got word that I got banned, as I didn't know what for.
As you can see, riot didn't respond to me at all, ignores all my tickets for
the next 11+ days.
Due to riot ignoring me, I made a public reddit thread, with me assuming why
I got banned, and the fact riot ignored me. Riot then made a public forum
post about the issue and also FINALLY responded to my ticket!
They only answered my ticket after I made it public, which is sad honestly.
Riot over exaggerated the forum post, and the ticket they made. I haven't
"hacked numerous players". I boosted about 3-5, and the other "hacks" is
explained here :
Also, he says "you publicly harassed your community memeberS" when it was
only one thread, that I didn't even post in (my brother did) but it's
impossible to prove. Even so, I was never given a warning, nor have I been
banned for the past 2 years. I don't deserve any chances? Just a flat out
perm ban FROM THE GAME because I'm that bad for the game apparently?
I've been typing this for about 30 minutes... I don't know what else to say,
except I don't want to be in a world full of bloodshed, and no justice. Gem
will keep her rewards forever, and her accounts, she can tell people how much
of a "monster" I am and people can think she is the sweetest girl in the
world, but I know the truth, just as well as I know what is right.